The Heart of Sports

I know Jordana will read this

Recently got into the pod after following the memes on Instagram and I haven't turned it off in months. J&J are great, insightful and hilarious. Some people may think they're not the demographic for this topic, but THEY ARE. I'm happily married and honestly, I think all the advice still pertains to me and really to everyone as communicators with so many types of relationships including family/friend/coworkers. The humor (for the most part) is really smart and thoughtful and the listeners really come through with interesting and pertinent questions which is why this show is so modern and relatable. The hosts play a huge part in that as well. Love the pod & plan to subscribe once I'm done binging all the previous episodes. ♥️

Oct. 23, 2022 by kco2019 on Apple Podcasts

The Heart of Sports

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