Jordana keeps me listening. She is reasonable, realistic, and levelheaded and provides thoughtful advice with solid humor. Jared, on the other hand, has got to go. To me, he seems so angry, anti-dating, anti-woman, and hateful. If he hates dating and hates women wanting to date, why is did he make himself the spokesperson for the male dating perspective? His jaded perspective is sending the wrong message to listeners. This is NOT how all men think and I don’t believe he’s “10% away” anymore. It would be like if jordana hated RHONJ so much that the mention of it set her off, yet she continued to host “mention it all.” Time to go, Jared! Glad to have the oversharing podcast now to keep my jordana fix. Sad to have had to cancel my benefits subscription but Jared’s most recent anti-therapy episode was brutal. I feel for him deep down because I’m sure he’s struggling but he doesn’t need a platform while he’s like this. Keeping 5 star rating because I don’t want to mess with the charts, though!