Live Fridays At 4pm On WWDB 860AM


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Your friend Jeffrey Epstein?
We are all Jordana after Jared’s Christmas (erotica) poem. ☠️😂

Endless laughs !!
I’m giggling listening to the Friday the 13th episode- I love all that you guys do!! Funny fact about 13 a lot of hospitals won’t have an OR 13 either 😂

Not just a dating podcast!
The times I’ve listened to an episode and wondered if J&J have somehow stolen my own thoughts is extremely high. I love the real life perspectives, curiosity and empathy of the hosts, and pure gold comedy of both! The latest episodes intro “How do I date when I’m home for the holidays?” really resonated with me (btw I love the long intros- they’re my favorite part of the episode!). Dating in my 30’s and now 40’s can feel isolating and Jared and Jordana really validated my experiences. Good for all ages, all genders, and even good for those people who don’t know who you are Jared!

It’s lonely at the top
Don’t let the haters get you down. At least you’re putting yourself out there. You are great!!

5 stars but in need of some change!
I love this show so much. It always makes me laugh, provides solid advice, and has got me through some really dark times. Lately, however, it has become a bit repetitive with Jared’s dating concerns and inability to commit. At first I really felt for him but at this point it has become triggering in some ways. He sounds like all the men I’ve dated who bailed after date 5 seemingly out of nowhere. I no longer get what I came for with the podcast and may take a break. I hope Jared is able to find what he needs in a partner!

Love the show but…
Unsubscribing from Benefits until Jared goes to therapy…I’m so serious!

Love U Up but Jared needs therapy!
I love the show, have been listening for a long time and recently subscribed while training for a run (NOT a marathon). I truly love Jared but echoing the reviews that he’s a broken record at this point. Jordana is so patient, but we’ve heard the same thing now so many times, it’s getting old. If he wants a relationship, he should explore his fear of commitment with a professional. It also irks me how he’s so scared of “being the bad guy” he infantilizes women who may be perfectly capable holding their own standard. Going back to the free version for now…

Best Podcast Of All Time!
Aunt Ron Ron and Jared are THE best at everything about relationships and so much more!

Good but…
… if I have to hear that ad that goes “how weird does it feel to be called someone’s fiance…” I am going to self immolate. I don’t even care that it’s an ad for engaged people it’s just the most obnoxious sounding ad I’ve ever heard

Jared … C’mon Buddy
I am a subscriber and will continue to be one because I love the “no ads” option, but my GOD Jared … you’re a broken record at this point and it’s getting unbearable to listen to. Either settle down or don’t, we don’t care anymore. But let’s stop with these subscriber therapy episodes where he talks about the same things over and over and over again. Bless Jordana because you can tell she’s trying to be a good friend and listener, but even she seems to be running out of ideas. I do love Jared’s advice on the regular episodes, but let’s maybe give it a rest with his personal life for a while. It’s obvious he needs to work on himself with a professional.

Favorite podcast
Love both Jared and Jordanas vulnerability and humor! It’s so easy to feel connected and root for you both. Loved to hear Jordana open up her fertility struggle on benefits, although I hate that she’s going through it. So many people can relate, including me.

Favorite new podcast in my weekly rotation!
Being out of the dating world, I love the entertainment value this pod brings. I’ve learned all the things I did wrong in my single days but also validated in all the craziness of it. Jared says the things that most guys think but don’t say out loud, and Jordana is so level-headed and refreshing, I’m certain we would be friends in real life.

Great episodes
Love the break from world and news. Old review: lover of long intros. Keep them in! Jordana continues to get funnier.

Very funny + great advice
Jared and Jordana are so hilarious! They really know how to have fun with each other and their fans while giving actionable, solid advice. They’re vulnerable, empathetic, and honest with their listeners. I can’t wait for each new episode to air!

My favorite podcast for so many reasons. One you get genuinely good advice (sometimes) and thoughtful/interesting debate on relationship/dating philosophies. Even if you don’t agree with their take, it helps you to get your opinion together on topics you may have never thought about. Two, I just really like Jordana and Jared. They’re both hilarious, and are genuinely cool people. They also aren’t afraid to call each other out, and are actually REAL instead of acting like these all knowing relationship and life experts. GIVE THIS A LISTEN

My comfort podcast!
I am soooo grateful I found this podcast 3.5 years ago when my 5 year relationship ended. It got me through learning how to date as an adult on the apps for the first time and it’s gotten me through the first 2.5 years of my new relationship! My now partner is a fire fighter and I work from home so I am alone A LOT. Jared and Jordana are like my co-workers or friends, I sometimes even put on old episodes when I’m caught up — I find this podcast so comforting because it’s been with me through so many phases of life / relationships at this point! I saw some reviews about Jared seeming like he doesn’t like women and I don’t really get that feeling at all. Seemed like a bunch of the reviews were written by the same person lol. Jared is super honest about how he feels and voices things in such a vulnerable way and I can relate (maybe not to the things he’s saying as I’m a woman, but I can relate to having hesitancy or indecisiveness towards certain areas of intimacy and relationships and a lot of times I feel like hiding these things to just say the right thing, and it’s refreshing to see someone actually saying how they feel).

my favorite listen of the week
J&J said to write a review so here I am!! I’ve been listening to this show since the beginning and it is always my favorite podcast of the week. I’m married with a kid and still laughing out loud listening on my walks, yelling at the red flag/dealbreakers. We MUST have Jared’s mom on!!!!!!!

Best dating advice
Best balanced, measured but still relevant and funny dating advice. Well produced also.

Love J&J!!
Been listening to this pod for awhile and every episode makes me chuckle! Jordana and Jared are a dynamic duo! Cheers to 7 years - here’s to many more! 🍾

Love this show
I don’t even think I’m the prime demographic for this show but I enjoy it so much. Jordanna and Jared’s conversation is hilarious. I’m a subscriber too because I’m nosy and want to hear more about Jared’s dating life. It’s worth it!

my favorite listen of the week
J&J said to write a review so here I am!! I’ve been listening to this show since the beginning and it is always my favorite podcast of the week. Literally will laugh out loud listening on my walks and yell at the red flag/dealbreakers. We MUST have Jared’s mom on!!!!!!!

My fave!
I love listening every week. Helps me get through crazy work days and dating black holes.

Love the podcast
I listen every week. Love it! I subscribed recently and loved the convo about boundaries with Jordana. Such a real and honest convo. I also think sometimes people need to take a positive spin on things because that’s how they can live and deal with the current circumstances. Sometimes to give into the darkness is unbearable, but I also understand how it can feel invalidating to someone who is in the thick of sadness and is feeling it and wanting to not feel alone. Jared is such a thoughtful friend with such thoughtful questions. Just wish he could let go of his hangups around dating/romantic relationships with women that are holding him back.

Great podcast
Love this pod. I’m married with a child and I still listen (and subscribe) because they are hilarious. Love their banter and their light hearted topics but also love when get deeper from time to time. Recent negative reviews are being a little too sensitive…. Just stop listening if you don’t like it jeez!

J&J are le best
Love this show the most

Few things are more delightful …
… than listening to these two make each other laugh. “Is that my wife??” 😂

I laugh
Love Jordana and also Jared. Funny ! And real for being in the spotlight people

👍 The word is deep not depthy 😘 Depthy is not a word

The best podcast!!
By far my favorite podcast! Jared and Jordana are both so funny in their own way. Thanks for all the advice and laughs! I look forward to listening to you guys every week!